Business Teacher Michele Moeller – “Don't expect to be perfect the first year you use Budget Challenge."
Michele Moeller has been a Business Teacher for 23 years at Canon-McMillan High School in Canonsburg, PA. We asked to interview her about her experience using Budget Challenge. Here's what she had to say.

Introducing our New Default Curriculum Schedule for 2021
On September 16, 2021 in Tips and Tricks, What's New by Robbie Kaminski
We've developed a comprehensive curriculum to cover more topics. Our default curriculum and quiz schedule now starts 3 weeks prior to the simulation start date in order to fit in as much as possible.

Teacher and Student Tips for Registration
On August 10, 2020 in Registration Tips, Tips and Tricks by Tara Kirby
Getting ready to register your class? Here are a few tips to help ensure a smooth registration period.

Real Life Financial Tips in Times of Covid-19
On April 17, 2020 in Tips and Tricks by Robbie Kaminski
At Budget Challenge, we work with our teacher partners to help create the next generation of financially capable young adults. But in our busy lives, it is easy to neglect our own finances. This might be a good time to do a quick financial tune-up by considering the four suggestions below.

Playing remotely during your sim? Here's 3 things to check daily
Budget Challenge is doing its best to help assist our teachers during this new and unknown teaching environment. While it may seem overwhelming transitioning to distance learning, you really only need to spend a few minutes a day keeping up with the simulation.

Teacher Strategies to Enhance Distance Learning
In light of school closures caused by COVID-19, we've compiled a list of strategies to use with your students to help ease the transition to distance learning.